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DPRD Himbau Warga Tidak Golput Di Pilkada
photo Reza Hapiz -

Jakartans, Use Your Voting Right in the Forthcoming Pilkada

Jakarta Legislative (DPRD) urges Jakartans to use their voting right and do not golput (poll abstention) in the forthcoming Pilkada, which falls on February 15, 2017. It is because Jakarta is a reference to national barometer.

Therefore, we urge them (Jakartans) to use their voting right, but don't golput

"Therefore, we urge them (Jakartans) to use their voting right, but don't golput," expressed Petra Lumbun, Vice Chairman of Jakarta DPRD Commission A, Monday (2/6).

DPRD Checked Pilkada Readiness in South Jakarta

In addition, they also need to check the personal identity in the final voters list (DPT) in each urban village and sub-district. It is to make sure whether they have the right to vote or not.

"If the name is unregistered, just process it to the nearest urban village," he stated.

To assure the election runs smooth, his party has conducted a working visit to all cities, including Seribu Islands.

"Those who have not yet processed ID card recording to immediately do it. Because this is one of the voter requirements," he said.

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