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Successful Team of Governor Candidate Pairs Must Clean Campaign Props

City Secretary, Saefullah, asking each successful team of governor candidate pairs to remove campaign props during Jakarta Gubernatorial Election's cooling-off period, which falls on February 12, 2017.

When get into cooling-off period, let us obey the rules as well as possible. Don't need to campaign again. The props must be cleaned

"When get into cooling-off period, let us obey the rules as well as possible. Don't need to campaign again. The props must be cleaned," he said, Thursday (2/9). 

Voting Booth Inspectors Should Work Professionally

He also instructed every mayor to monitor each area. If the props are still installed, they must be removed immediately.

"We want every mayor to clean up any props in the field," he said.

Jakarta Gubernatorial Election Inspector Institution (Bawaslu) Head, Mimah Susanti explained that a prop cleaning is duty of candidate's team. While, her side only does monitoring in the field.

"The duty lies in each candidate's team. We hope they obey the rules," she closed.

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