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Birokrasi Pemprov DKI Diyakini Netral dalam Pilkada
photo Punto Likmiardi -

City Bureaucrats Believed to Be Neutral in Local Election

Jakarta City Secretary, Saefullah, believed that Bureaucrats in City Provincial Government is neutral to Gubernatorial Election (Pilkada) 2017.

Jakarta Bawaslu noted there was no violations of using state facilities in Jakarta during this campaign

"I believed that City is neutral in Pilkada," he said when stakeholder coordinating meeting related to horizontal conflict potential and money politics in Gubernatorial Election 2017, Thursday (2/9) at City Hall.

PNS Remains Neutral So Far

He explained that the bureaucracy's neutrality is demonstrated by civil servant's performance and there is no one using state facilities during campaign.

Unprejudiced attitude of the city is recognized by Bawaslu Head, Muhammad. He stated, during Pilkada campaign, he does not find any state facilities used in City area.

"Jakarta Bawaslu noted there was no violations of using state facilities in Jakarta during this campaign," he stated.

He added that this could be an example for other areas in Indonesia who held election. Because state property should not be used for political purposes.

"DKI can be used as examples, in other areas still found the use of state facilities," he closed.

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