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Ribuan Alat Peraga Kampanye Mulai Ditertibkan
photo Jhon Syah Putra Kaban -

Thousands Campaign Props Controlled

Due to entering cooling-off week of City Gubernatorial Election 2017, thousands campaign props were controlled at dawn, Sunday (2/12).

After this, we also controlling simultaneously in each sub-districts and urban villages too

Jakarta National Unity and Politics Institution (Bakesbangpol) Secretary, Entis Sutisna, said that the controlling was symbolically held in Cikini area, Central Jakarta. The controlling involving all related institutions such as Police, Regional Election Committee (KPU), Bawaslu, and governor candidates' successful teams.

"After this, we also controlling simultaneously in each sub-districts and urban villages too,"  he said, Sunday (2/12).

Successful Team of Governor Candidate Pairs Must Clean Campaign Props

It was planned to be finished on next Tuesday (2/14), so when election day on Wednesday (2/15), hopefully all areas are clean from campaign props.

"If there is someone trying to install the props, Bawaslu and us will investigate it," he closed.

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