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Hujan Deras Hambat Penurunan Alat Peraga Kampanye di Jaksel
photo Nurito -

90 Percents of Campaign Props in South Jakarta Taken Down

Campaign props which had been taken down in South Jakarta since Saturday (2/11) until this dawn has reached 90 percents. 

Because of heavy rain last night, we are not maximal yet, still 90 percents was done. We targeted today all of the props will be taken down

It is targeted that all campaign props will be cleaned today.

Thousands Campaign Props Controlled

South Jakarta Election Inspector Committee (Panwaslu) Head, Ari Mashuri, said that thousands of campaign props since last night till this dawn had been taken down such as billboards, campaign flags, banners, stickers, pamphlets, and others.

"Because of heavy rain last night, we are not maximal yet, still 90 percents was done. We targeted today all of the props will be taken down," he said, Sunday (2/12).

He explained that there are 427 billboards, 110 campaign flags, 185 banners, and thousands of stickers, brochures and pamphlets of campaign props that had been taken down. 

"To take down the campaign props, we involve 150 joint personnel," he closed. 

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