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DKI Kedepankan Keterbukaan Data dan Informasi
photo Reza Hapiz -

City Government Prioritizing Information Disclosure, Sumarsono Says

Acting Jakarta Government Sumarsono affirmed that Jakarta Provincial Government is very prioritizing information disclosure.

All information in Jakarta Provincial Government is very open and provide evidence of our good relationship with mass media

"Information disclosure can be realized with mass media support," he said during media gathering with reporters of Balai Kota Coordinating at Ancol Taman Impian, North Jakarta, Monday (4/3).

He added data and information disclosure is representation of good governance which inside there are transparency, accountability, and participation principles.

KIP Appreciates City's Information Disclosure System

"All information in Jakarta Provincial Government is very open and provide evidence of our good relationship with mass media," he expressed.

He continued, City also made a lot of breakthrough, especially to improve public service.

"We never be tired innovating and cooperating to create City that can be proud of," he closed. 

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