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Pipa Induk Pam Bocor, Jl Raya Bogor Macet Total
photo Nurito -

Aetra Pipe Leaks, Jalan Raya Bogor Inundated

It occurs to the main pipe. It's still being handled so far. We're still investigating the cause is

A water pipe belongs to PT Aetra is leaking and spilling out into Jalan Raya Bogor, Susukan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, Monday (9/19). No wonder, it has caused traffic congestion in the location.

Based on, water as high as 30-40 cm continues to spill out into Jalan Raya Bogor, precisely in front of Pasar Rebo Industry Development Training Center. 

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Jayadi (39), a local people said the pipe has leaked since 7.40 AM. The water continues to come out, as leaking point is more than one.

"Vehicles also had to slow down and avoid puddles. That's why congestion cannot be avoided here," he told.

While, PT Aetra Public Relations Manager, Astriana Veracia said, pipe leakage is allegedly from the main pipe planted in middle of the highway. Yet she claimed not to know about the diameter and depth of the leaking pipe.

"It occurs to the main pipe. It's still being handled so far. We're still investigating the cause is," she stated.

Until the news is published, some officers of PT Aetra, assisted by Susukan Urban Village PPSU and Satpol PP officers are still busy looking for source of pipe damage.

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