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Public Transport to Use JLNT as Its Exclusive Lane

Non-Toll Road Flyover (JLNT) which has been used as a public road for private vehicles will be transformed by Jakarta Provincial Government into an exclusive line for mass transportation.

Later, there will be sky bridge that connects the buildings, so that people who want to ride the bus can pass through there

Acting Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, said that his party will build a bridge that is connected to office buildings near JLNT.

"Some Non-Toll Flyovers are changed exclusively for buses. Later, there will be sky bridge that connects the buildings, so that people who want to ride the bus can pass through there," said Basuki at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday (6/13).

One-Way System, Congestion on Antasari JLNT Parsed

With that change, Basuki hoped city residents want to switch to mass transportation instead of using private vehicles for formal and leisure activities with family.

"That's why we also want to prepare double-decker bus. The elderly who used to have difficulty getting into TransJakarta bus stop can use it now due to its lower deck. So just wait for a ride on the side of the road," Basuki added.

Just to note, one JLNT in Jakarta that is located in the office area is JLNT Casablanca, which was launched in January 2014 ago. The JLNT connects Tanah Abang in Central Jakarta and Kampung Melayu in East Jakarta.

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