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JSC akan Kembangkan Integrasi Pengelolaan Air Tanah
photo Adi Alfiyan -

JSC will Develop Integration for Groundwater Management

Jakarta Smart City (JSC) and related SKPDs will develop integration for groundwater management in Jakarta.

We will develop how to manage ground water in Jakarta

Jakarta Communication Informatics and Statistic (Kominfotik) Dept. Head, Dian Ekowati said, currently her side is still identifying groundwater management problems.

"We will develop how to manage groundwater in Jakarta. Previously, there was a problem in its management," she said at City Hall, Wednesday (8/30).

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According to her, groundwater management needs to be integrated since there are many SKPDs involved thus occurred problem can be identified well.

"Many data from several SKPDs should be integrated. By integration, it can run better," she expressed.

She mentioned, SKPDs involved are from Jakarta Land Spatial Planning and Building Work Dept. (DCKTRP), Jakarta Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Dept. (DPM and PTSP), Taxation and Local Retribution Agency (BPRD), and Jakarta Environment Dept. (DLH).

"By using big data, this data integration is hoped can give qualified analysis for leader to take the conclusion," she closed.

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