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Anies Terus Monitor Penanganan Banjir dan Longsor di Ibukota
photo Punto Likmiardi -

Anies Continues to Monitor Handling of Floods in Jakarta

Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan asserted he is about to monitor the handling of floods and landslides that occurred on Sunday (11/12).

It was heavy rain last night. We'll do monitoring continuously

His party continued to communicate with the urban village head to find out the progress in the field.

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"It was heavy rain last night. We'll do monitoring continuously. Along with Water Resources Dept. and BPBD, we will continue to communicate," he expressed, at City Hall, Monday (11/13).

According to him, based on the monitoring, all the flood points have been controlled, even though there are residents in some urban villages who had been evacuated in places of worship. One of them is like residents living in Jati Padang Urban Village, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

"Starting this afternoon up to 1 AM, it is still monitored. Alhamdulillah (Thank God), all points are under control and quickly recede," he told.

He added, in Ciganjur, there is a cliff landslide with 10 meters high and 15 meters long. "Luckily its location was far from the settlements," he stated.

Nevertheless, Anies wanted it should be handled to prevent unwanted things. Moreover, in the location, there is a pile of building materials that make the burden of land getting bigger.

The for Ulujami area, he furthered, it is still in alert level 3 and will be monitored continuously.

"In future, there must be fast action thus we can resolve it well," he closed.

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