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Penertiban alat peraga kampanye
Penertiban alat peraga kampanye .
photo Wahyu Ginanjar Ramadhan -

4,412 Campaign Props in Central Jakarta Lowered

Quiet period of presidential election officially starts today, Sunday (7/6), before election day on upcoming Wednesday (7/9). Because of that, Jakarta General Election Monitoring Committee (Panwaslu) together with TNI, police, and Satpol PP lower campaign props installed in various locations.

We lowered 1,154 campaign props belong to president and vice president candidate number one and 3,466 campaign props belong to president and vice president candidate number two

From the operation held since this early morning, as many as 4,412 campaign props are lowered and directly brought to Satpol PP warehouse in Cakung, East Jakarta.

“We lowered 1,154 campaign props belong to president and vice president candidate number one and 3,466 campaign props belong to president and vice president candidate number two,” stated Head of Central Jakarta Satpol PP, Yadi Rusmayadi.

Campaign Attributes are still Rampant in West Jakarta

According to Rusmayadi, together with Panwaslu, Satpol PP will continuously control campaign props installed in eight sub-districts and 44 urban villages in Central Jakarta.

“We’ll do it until Central Jakarta is clean from campaign props,” he asserted.

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