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Sebanyak 187 Titik Rawan Saat Pilpres di Jakarta Utara Siap Diamankan
Besok (9/7) seluruh masyarakat Indonesia akan merayakan pesta demokrasi Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2014. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan baik oleh Pemerintah maupun aparat kepolisian demi terwujudnya pesta demokrasi yang aman dan bebas dari huru hara .
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Election Day, Police Anticipate 187 Conflict-Prone Areas in N. Jakarta

Approaching presidential election day which falls on July 9, the North Jakarta Metro Resort Police begins to conduct mapping towards conflict-prone areas. In North Jakarta, as many as 187 points are prone to conflict and need extra security in a bid to anticipate anarchy from both sides of presidential candidate supporters.

While for most conflict-prone area is in Tanjung Priok Sub-District. Here, we should be wary of 44 points

Head of Operational Division for North Jakarta Metro Resort Police, AKPB Allan Satya explained those 187 points are located in Penjaringan Sub-District (38 points), Pademangan Sub-District (38 points), Koja Sub-District (30 points), Kelapa Gading Sub-District (18 points), and Cilincing Sub-District (38 points).

"While for most conflict-prone area is in Tanjung Priok. Here, we should be wary of 44 points," he explained, Tuesday (7/8).

Satya disclosed that the 187 conflict-prone areas are seen from some factors. They are fanatical mass on one presidential/vice candidates. In addition, in a region, is one of homes belong to one of the presidential/vice candidates. "The security will be 1:2, that is one police officer overseeing two polling stations (TPS) and another one sent to three TPSs in safe region.

He added that more than 2,000 police officers assisted by 30 officers of national army and police will be deployed to the field during election day.

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