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Satpol PP Kerahkan Personel dan Sarpras Bantu Warga Terdampak Banjir
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Satpol PP Deploys Personnel to Help Evacuating Flood Victims

Jakarta Satpol PP continues to deploy personnel and facilities from urban village to provincial level such as operational car, truck, inflatable boat, and rescue car to help flood victims.

I have instructed all personnel to work optimally to help evacuation and residents activity

Satpol PP Head, Arifin conveyed, due to heavy rain within these days, several areas in Jakarta were inundated.

"I have instructed all personnel to work optimally to help evacuation and residents activity," he conveyed, Monday (2/24).

Bus Pool Submerged, 167 School Buses Evacuated in Jakarta Flood

His side is committed to help flood victims evacuation from their houses to the shelter or safer place. Besides, Satpol PP personnel also ready to help residents who were affected by flood on the road.

"We have evacuated sick person who was affected by flood as well as motorcycle that was stuck due to flood," he said.

His side will continue to coordinate with related regional apparatus organization (OPD), TNI/Polri, and other stakeholders.

"We will work optimally to help residents, thus the can feel the presence of government when they are struck by disaster," he closed.

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