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Tanggul Kali Sekretaris Kebon Jeruk di Perbaiki
photo Rudi Hermawan -

West Jakarta SDA Repairs Sekretaris River's Embankment

West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-department personnel repair Sekretaris River's embankment on Jalan Inspeksi Kali Sekretaris, Kebon Jeruk. This repair is targeted to finish in March 2020.

It is estimated to complete around mid-March

West Jakarta SDA Sub-department's Drainage Maintenance Section Head, Wawan Kurniawan conveyed, this repair has been started since early February. For information, as long as 62 meters of the retaining wall collapsed thus his side cleaned the debrirs first.

Then, his side installed new iron framework using thick iron and sloof for every 20 meters to strengthen the wall.

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"We will also concrete the wall to make it stronger. Thus later its thickness is about 20 centimeters," he stated, Monday (2/24).

Although the collapsed part was as long as 62 meters, but his side repaired it up to 65 meters to strengthen the foundation.

"We deploy 22 SDA Unit personnel to repair it. It is estimated to complete around mid-March," he closed.

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