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Pluit Dam's Inspection Road will Be Elevated as Flood Mitigation

Jakarta Provincial Government is going to elevate a 1.5 kilometers-long inspection road around the Pluit Dam's Pump House, Penjaringan, North Jakarta in an effort to anticipate flood or tidal wave. All this time, some roads are often inundated with tidal wave as high as 10-15 centimeters.

Such Pluit Dam is a vital facility to anticipate flooding. Besides elevating, the road needs to be widened

The inspection road will be elevated up to 80 centimeters and to widen 4 meters. Its road stretches from behind the Pluit Timur Police Post until Jalan Muara Baru, passing RW 17 Penjaringan Urban Village.

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According to Heriyanto, Executor of Dam and River Normalization, the project will be carried out after 200 buildings behind the Pluit Timur Police Post until pump house are emptied.


"Such Pluit Dam is a vital facility to anticipate flooding. Besides elevating, the road needs to be widened," he stated, Tuesday (10/14).

He uttered his side is aggressively holding socialization to local citizens living in RT 19/17, Penjaringan Urban Village. Furthermore, they would be relocated to the Muara Baru Flat.

He added his side also plans to elevate and widen Jalan Muara Baru up to 1.5 kilometers long. "Hopefully, the project can be started this month and is predicted to take four months," he finished.

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