Eco-friendly Shopping Bags Usage in 193 Minimarts Have Been Monitored Along July
access_time August 05 2020 10:05 PM remove_red_eye 1011
Reported by Adriana Megawati | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Reported by Adriana Megawati | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Of 294 minimarts, we have monitored 193
The Central Jakarta Environmental (LH) Sub-agency has noted that the mandatory use of eco-friendly shopping bags in 193 minimarts across eight sub-districts have been monitored during July.
"Of 294 minimarts, we have monitored 193," expressed Central LH Sub-Agency Head, Marsigit, Tuesday (8/4).
KBRL Usage Monitored in Hundreds Markets in South JakartaBesides minimarts, his side also monitored 31 traditional markets. Based on the results, awareness of vendors and buyers in using KBRL was quite high.
"There are even vendors who provide the eco-friendly shopping bags. Most people already use it," he closed.