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Ratusan Petugas Gabungan Bersihkan Saluran Phb Cilangap
photo Nurito -

Hundreds Joint Personnel Clean Up Channel in Cilangkap

Hundreds joint personnel were deployed to clean up connecting (phb) channel in Cilangkap and Munjul Urban Villages, Cipayung Sub-district, East Jakarta, on Sunday (10/4).

We clean it to anticipate inundation and flooding

Cipayung Sub-district Head, Fajar Eko Satrio informed, joint personnel cleaned up channel as long as 300 meters with width 4 meters and depth 1 meter. Cleaning work carried out because the channel was full of mud sedimentation and weeds.

As many as 150 personnel from PPSU, Water Resources (SDA) Unit, Bina Marga Unit, Environment Unit, LMK, FKDM, PKK, RT/RW, and TNI/Polri cleaned the channel manually.

Slipi Connecting Channel in Palmerah Dredged

"We clean it to anticipate inundation and flooding," he stated, Sunday (10/4).

According to him, after this channel cleaned manually, his side will use heavy equipment to dredge mud from the channel.

"We hope that local residents can keep it clean and no one littering into the channel," he said.

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