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 12 PPSU Petagogan Dikerahkan Lakukan Pembersihan di RW 02 dan 03 Paska Banjir
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

12 Petogogan PPSU Deployed to Clean Remaining Waste After Flood

As many as 12 PPSU personnel and three motorcycle-carts (germor) were deployed for water channels cleaning at RW 02 and 03, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

We clean water channels thus water can flow smoothly

Petagogan Urban Village Head, M. Noor mentioned, this cleaning was carried out because those areas were inundated by overflowing water from Krukut River when heavy rain fallen on Sunday (10/4) night until Monday (10/5).

"We clean water channels thus water can flow smoothly," he said, Tuesday (10/6).

Kelapa Gading Barat Prepares 20 PPSU Personnel During Rainy Season

According to him, channels in those two RWs were full of plastic waste and mud after flood.

"It is cleaned to make the environment cleaner and healthier," he conveyed.

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