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 40 Personol PPSU Kelurahan Pejaten Timur Bersih Bersih di RW 08
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

40 Pejaten Timur PPSU Personnel and Residents Clean Mud After Flood

Pejaten Timur Urban Village deployed 40 PPSU personnel to clean up remaining waste and mud after flood on Jalan Masjid Al-Makmuriyah RT 05/08 and RT 17/07, Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

From 4 AM, flood gradually subsided thus PPSU personnel and local residents clean up the waste and mud

Pejaten Timur Urban Village Head, Mohammad Rasyid said, those residential areas were flooded as high as 120 centimeters due to overflowing Ciliwung River and heavy rain since Sunday (10/4) night around 11 PM.

"Some of our residents were evacuated to Al-Makmuriyah Mosque. While the others chose to stay on the second floor of their house," he explained, Monday (10/5).

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According to him, flood began to recede around 4 AM and people who evacuated are now returning to their houses.

"From 4 AM, flood gradually subsided thus PPSU personnel and local residents clean up the waste and mud. Pasar Minggu Gulkarmat Sub-agency also help to spray the remaining mud and waste due to flood using fire trucks," he mentioned.

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