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 Dampak Banjir Sudin LH Jaksel Angkut 20,2 Ton Sampah
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

South Jakarta Transports 20 Tons of Waste from Three Sub-districts

It is done to keep the environment clean, for the sake of public health

South Jakarta Environmental Sub-agency, managed to pick up 20.2 tons of waste left by the floods in three sub-districts, Monday (10/5) yesterday.

M Amin, Sub-agency Head of South Jakarta Environmental expressed those waste were transported from Jagakarsa Sub-district (2.26 tons), Mampang Prapatan Sub-district (11 tons) and Pesanggrahan Sub-district (7 tons).

12 Petogogan PPSU Deployed to Clean Remaining Waste After Flood

"However, the volume of waste from the other seven sub-districts is not too much," he told, Tuesday (10/6).

To handle the waste, his side deployed as many as 84 personnel and 6 small-sized tipper vehicles at the location.

"It is done to keep the environment clean, for the sake of public health," he stated.

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