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Penanganan Banjir di Jl Batu Ceper Raya Dioptimalkan
photo Folmer -

Flood Handling at Jalan Batu Ceper Raya Optimized

It has been ongoing since two weeks. It is targeted to be complete by the end of this year

Gambir Sub-district Water Resources Sub-agency Executing Unit Head Sutrisno says the handling of floods is being optimized on Jalan Batu Ceper Raya area, Kebon Kelapa Urban Village.

His party had sent 20 personnel to repair a tub for the water flow and drain the mud from the water channel along Jalan Batu Ceper Raya.

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"It has been ongoing since two weeks. It is targeted to be complete by the end of this year," he expressed, Tuesday (10/6).

Even he was optimistic that the tub that had 6.5 meters long with 2 meters width and depth could optimally anticipate puddles in the region.

"The Central Jakarta SDA Sub-agency has coordinated with the West Jakarta administration to drain this channel," he stated.

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