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Perbaikan Saluran Phb Kampung Bojong Sudah 60 Persen
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Progress of Kampung Bojong Phb Channel Repair Reaches 60 Percent

Kampung Bojong Connecting (Phb) Channel repair on Jalan Al Barkah, Rawa Buaya, Cengkareng has reached 60 percent.

We target to finish the repair by the end of this month

West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency's Maintenance of Flood Control System, Raw Water, Clean Water, and Wastewater Section Head, Wawan mentioned, repair on phb channel with length of 300 meters and depth of 1.5-2 meters has been carried out since August 26.

"We target to finish the repair by the end of this month," he said, Monday (10/12).

Connecting Channel on Jalan DR Susilo Completed

His side deployed 30 blue troops (SDA) and equipped them with one mini excavator, two portable pumps, hoe, crowbar and other tools to repair the channel.

"It is repaired as our effort to anticipate inundation and flooding," he closed.

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