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Sudin Bina Marga Jaksel Tuntaskan Pengerjaan Sodetan Median di Jl Fatmawati Raya
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Bina Marga Personnel Finished Building Channel on the Median of Jl. Fatmawati Raya

South Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency has completed the construction of crossing channel on the median of Jalan RS Fatmawati Raya, Gandaria Selatan Urban Village, Cilandak.

Thus when the rain falls, rain water can be drained to the channel

South Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency Head, Heru Suwondo said, crossing channel was built to make water flow optimally to the channels in order to prevent inundation when the rain falls.

"It is an effort to avoid inundation on the road, thus when the rain falls, rain water can be drained to the channel," he explained, Wednesday (10/7).

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According to him, this road is often inundated when the heavy rain falls.

This crossing channel has width and length around 1.5 meters each which made by four personnel of Cilandak Bina Marga Unit.

"We started the project since four days ago. After installing its cover, then it's finished," he conveyed.

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