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 10 Anggota Satgas Kuras Saluran Air di Jl Utan Kayu Raya
photo Nurito -

Channel on Jalan Utan Kayu Raya Cleaned

Its cleanup is done to anticipate puddles during the rainy season

Ten officers of Matraman Sub-district Water Resources (SDA) Task Force are cleaning the water channel on Jalan Utan Kayu Raya, RW 05, Utan Kayu Utara Urban Village, Matraman, East Jakarta, on Thursday (10/15).

"Its cleanup is done to anticipate puddles during the rainy season," expressed Matraman Sub-district SDA Task Force Coordinator, Agus, Thursday (10/15).

Three Water Channels in Pinang Ranti Cleaned

He said that it was carried out up to 150 meters length, as the channel was full of mud and waste.

"Therefore we are doing it manually and targeting completion by Monday," he stated.

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