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Satgas SDA Kepulauan Seribu Bangun Saluran Sepanjang 70 Meter di Pulau Pari
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Thousand Islands SDA Builds Water Channel on Jalan Pelabuhan

Thousand Islands Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency builds 70-meter water channel and 6 manholes on Jalan Pelabuhan, RT 02/04, Pari Island Urban Village, South Thousand Islands Sub-district.

Water channel is made using 10-inch pipe which connected to 6 manholes

Thousand Islands SDA Sub-agency Head, Abdul Rouf mentioned, it is done to add more drainage channel in order to anticipate inundation during rainy season.

"Water channel is made using 10-inch pipe which connected to 6 manholes with size 50x50 centimeters and 1.5 meters depth each to make it easier to monitor and clean channel," he said, Tuesday (11/10).

Three Infiltration Wells Built in Utan Kayu Utara Urban Village

His side deployed 10 personnel to build the channel and 6 manholes in the area.

"We have started the construction since yesterday and targeted to finish within a week," he informed.

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