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Saluran Phb Jl Batu Kinyang Batu Ampar Dinormalisasi
photo Nurito -

Connecting Channel on Jalan Batu Kinyang Normalized

We're doing this to anticipate puddles and floods in the rainy season

As many as 30 joint personnel of the Batu Ampar Urban Village Water Resources (SDA) Task Forces are seen normalizing the connecting channel on Jalan Batu Kinyang, RW 04, Batu Ampar, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

Batu Ampar Urban Village Head Achmad Ruslan expressed it was carried out by elevating the channel to one meter, including its width from three to five meters.

Connecting Channel Dredging around Taman Ratu Has Touched 70 Percent

"We're doing this to anticipate puddles and floods in the rainy season," he expressed, Wednesday (11/25).

After it was done, he added, it would be continued with draining stage.

"It has been ongoing since a week and is targeted to be complete next week," he stated.

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