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Pembuatan Saluran Tambahan TPU Pulau Lancang Rampung Hari ini
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

New Water Channel Built in Lancang Island Public Cemetery

Thousand Islands Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency builds water channel in Lancang Island Public Cemetery (TPU), Pari Island Urban Village, South Thousand Islands.

This additional channel will drain water more quickly thus inundation can be prevented

Thousand Islands SDA Sub-agency Head, Abdul Rouf conveyed, his side built this channel to increase drainage route to anticipate inundation when the rain falls.

"This additional channel will drain water more quickly thus inundation can be prevented," he explained, Friday (11/27).

Stilling Basin Construction on Jl. Kedoya Raya Targeted to Finish in December

His side used pipe with size 8 inch to build this 10-meter channel which connected with manhole in TPU area.

His side has started constructing this channel since Thursday (11/26) by deploying 6 personnel. Its construction is estimated to finish today.

"By connecting it to the manhole, it will make easier for us to monitor and clean it," he said.

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