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Pembangunan Crossing Jl DI Panjaitan dan Saluran Phb Jl Soetoyo Rampung
photo Nurito -

SDA Has Completed Crossing Channels Construction on Jl. DI Panjaitan

Construction of two crossing channels located on DI Panjaitan Jatinegara, East Jakarta was completed on Friday (12/4).

These crossing channels are built to anticipate inundation and flooding in the region

East Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency's Development and Drainage Improvement Section Head, Tengku Saugi Zikri mentioned, his side started the construction of those crossing channels since October 23 and completed it within 1.5 months.

"These crossing channels are built to anticipate inundation and flooding in the region," he stated, Friday (12/4).

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Those crossing channels were built in front of SDA Agency's Management Unit for Investigation, Testing and Measurement (UP4) Office along 56 meters and in front of IBN Campus until Cimory or Penas along 71 meters.

"For both crossing channels, we use box culvert with size 1.5x1.5 meters. This construction is one of 11 East Jakarta SDA Sub-agency's development programs in 2020 through e-Katalog system," he informed.

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