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Saluran di Jalan Jembatan Lima Dibersihkan
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Channel on Jalan Jembatan Besi XII Cleaned from Mud

This cleaning has been ongoing since December 7 by sending dozens of personnel

West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency officers are cleaning the water channel on Jalan Jembatan Besi XII, RT 06/07, Jembatan Besi, Tambora.

Tambora Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head Yursid Suryanegara expressed, it was conducted to anticipate flooding in the rainy season.

SDA Personnel Clean Water Channel on Jalan Angke

"The mud height in the channel has already reached 40 centimeters and must be dredged. This cleaning has been ongoing since December 7 by sending dozens of personnel," he explained, Thursday (12/10).

By so, they managed to collect 250 sacks of mud and garbage. 

"It is targeted to be finished within three weeks ahead," he stated.

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