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Delapan JAK di Jakpus Dibangun Tahun Depan
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Central Jakarta will Build 8 Connecting Bridges Between Villages

Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency will build 8 connecting bridges between villages (JAK) in 2022.

Bridge constructions must be able to solve problems faced by residents

Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency Head, Rakim Sastranegara, JAK designs for 8 sub-districts have been completed in 2019 according to residents' aspirations voiced through Musrenbang. However, its realization has been postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

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"We propose for development budget in 2022," he mentioned, Wednesday (3/3).

According to him, those bridges were designed with local wisdom. For example for bridge in Jago Dam area that has rooster-shaped design.

Central Jakarta Mayor, Dhany Sukma requested development program that has been arranged by regional apparatus organizations must have great value for residents.

"Bridge constructions must be able to solve problems faced by residents," he asserted.

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