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bentrok warga dan satpol pp
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SP3 Hand Out to Residents Occupying Ria Rio Reservoir Chaotic

Chaos had happened when East Jakarta Administration Satpol PP officers gave the third warning letter (SP3) to the people who occupied the area in Ria Rio Reservoir, precisely at RT 06 and 07 RW 07, Kayu Putih Urban Village, Pulogadung Sub-District, Wednesday (11/12). To avoid further chaos, the officers chose to leave the location right after giving the SP3.

We have the land certificates. If you kicked us just like that, of course we’re angry

Based on observations, tens of people had gathered since 7 AM in front of the road to block Satpol PP officers. The women equipped themselves with cooking utensils, such as pans and frying pans, while the men were mostly carrying logs. When about 40 Satpol PP officers arrived in the location, the mass instantly beating the instruments they carried and challenged the officers to have a duel if they dared to enter their territory.

But after negotiating, one of the officers was allowed to hand out the SP3 to the residents’ representatives. Afterwards, the officer immediately left the location. However, the mass who still not satisfied continued to cast Satpol PP officers. They even kicked and beaten Satpol PP patrol car using the logs they carried.

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Siduk (67), a resident of RT 15/06, said that he other residents do not take for granted their existence being evicted. This is because they have the land certificates and have occupied the land for more than 30 years. They also had negotiated with PT Pulomas Jaya and told would get compensation.

“We have the land certificates. If you kicked us just like that, of course we’re angry. We have the right to this land and previously had an agreement with PT Pulomas for compensation. Why are we being given SP3 now,” he lamented.

For that, Siduk told that he and other residents are planning to visit the office of PT Pulomas Jaya tomorrow, Thursday (11/13). In addition to submit their land certificates, the residents will also collect the compensation promised by PT Pulomas Jaya.

Responding on this matter, Head of East Jakarta Satpol PP Facilities and Infrastructures Section, Palmer Manurung, stated that since the SP3 has been given, the residents occupying Ria Rio Reservoir must immediately vacate the land within 1x24 hour. If not, his party will control them. But before that, this matter will be discussed with related units in city level.

“If the SP3 has been given, the residents must immediately vacate the land. Otherwise, control had to be done,” he asserted.

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