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photo Anita Karyati -

3,677 Potholes in Central Jakarta Repaired

From January to September 21, 2021 Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency had repaired 3,677 potholes that cover an area of 6,497.3 square meters. Road repair was carried out to provide safety and comfort for road users.

We make improvements thus road can be used comfortably by road users

Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency's Road, Bridge and Street Furniture Section Head, Yudha Catur Suhartanto mentioned, his side repaired potholes in 8 sub-districts in Central Jakarta.

"We make improvements thus road can be used comfortably by road users," he said, Tuesday (9/21).

10 Spots of Potholes on Jalan Mangga Besar Raya Repaired

In detail, his side repaired 919 potholes in Tanah Abang, 616 potholes in Gambir, 544 potholes in Sawah Besar, 453 potholes in Menteng, 454 potholes in Kemayoran, 298 potholes in Senen, 287 potholes in Cempaka Putih, and 106 potholes in Johar Baru.

"We repair it using cold mix and hot mix asphalt," he added.

During the repair work, his personnel were equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves in order to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

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