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Jakpro - KAI Sepakati Kerja Sama Pembangunan dan Pengelolaan TOD di Stasiun LRT Jabodebek di Jakarta
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Jakpro - KAI Signs MoU on Transit-oriented Development Projects

PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) has signed a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) on Tuesday (3/29) to realize the development and management of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) at the Jabodebek LRT Station in Jakarta.

Hope it can accelerate the progress of facilities and the city can develop from all aspects

At the initial stage, they will prioritize cooperation related to the management of the TOD area in the four priority locations of the Jabodebek LRT, namely, LRT Pancoran, LRT Ciliwung, LRT Kampung Rambutan, and LRT Ciracas stations.

Currently, PT KAI has received an assignment from the government based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 49/2017 on the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation number 98/2015 on Acceleration of Implementation of Integrated Light Rail Transits in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi areas. (Perpres LRT Jabodebek).

Pegangsaan LRT Depot will Be Transformed Into TOD Area

PT Jakpro President Director Widi Amanasto appreciated the trust given to the TOD area development cooperation. It was deemed a trigger for the spirit to keep synergizing and collaborating with all parties in developing Jakarta, as well as providing better and more comfortable facilities for residents.

"Hope it can accelerate the progress of facilities and the city can develop from all aspects," he expressed.

He went on to say that the collaboration includes mapping the potential of the TOD area that will be collaborated, mapping the potential and business feasibility in the TOD area to financial studies, and the feasibility of the TOD business.

KAI Business Development Director Jeffrie N Korompus revealed that there was a need for synergy between stakeholders and seamless connectivity between modes to overcome congestion while providing supporting infrastructure for good transportation connectivity.

He hoped that the integrated area development could create a new culture, where the station is not only a place to get on and off passengers, but also an intermodal node and a multifunctional or safe and comfortable place.

"This will also make travel more efficient through connectivity between public transportation and the TOD area," he added.

As for the information, TOD is a development that integrates urban space design to unite people, activities, buildings, and public spaces through easy connectivity via walking or cycling as well as being close to public transportation services to reach the entire city.

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