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Job Fair Kembali Digelar di Mangga Dua Square Besok
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Job Fair at ITC Cempaka Mas Offers 7,664 Vacancies

Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy Agency (Nakertransgi) Head, Andri Yansyah opened the Job Fair at ITC Cempaka Mas, Central Jakarta, which takes place from September 13 to 14, 2022.

This year, we have a target of 5,664 job seekers who will be placed in companies

Job fair this time involved 40 companies that offers 7,664 vacancies.

According to him, 4,000 job seekers are targeted to attend and are expected to fill all available vacancies. Thus, it can reduce unemployement cases in Jakarta.

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"This year, we have a target of 5,664 job seekers who will be placed in companies," he expressed, Tuesday (9/13).

Based on this year's BPS data, the open unemployment rate in Jakarta reached 8.00 percent as of February 2022.

To solve it, the Jakarta administration needs to make an effort whose impact can be directly felt by the residents. One of them is through through the Manpower Development and Placement program.

He went on to say that it was held to facilitate or bring together job seekers with companies that need workers.

"This is to help job seekers find jobs and labor users to get workers that are in accordance with the formation of company needs," he explained.

Aside that, his party had made a channel or application that brought together job seekers and employers online.

"With this application, job seekers can find jobs that match their skills and employers can find jobs according to their business," he explained.

He added that the development of the global economy continued to show recovery, thus it had a positive impact with the improvement of the domestic economy slowly but surely.

The condition of the national economy and Jakarta needs to be continuously pursued to remain conducive. Thus, it is able to support the target of accelerating economic and national growth and is expected to open up job opportunities.

"Thus, in the end, it can accommodate job seekers following the qualifications of job seekers and the requirements needed by the company," he closed.

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