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 2.500 Peserta Meriahkan Jakarta Tahrib Ramadan Baznas (Bazis) Jakarta
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

2,500 Participants Enliven Jakarta Tahrib Ramadan 1444 Hijri Event at Monas

To welcome the upcoming Ramadan, the Jakarta Baznas Bazis is holding Jakarta Tarhib Ramadan 1444 Hijiri event in Monas area, Gambir, Central Jakarta.

This year's Ramadan will be more calm and full of togetherness

There are about 2,500 participants from five areas of Jakarta.

Culture and Tourism Division Deputy Governor, Marullah Matali expressed that the Jakarta Tarhib Ramadan 1444 Hijiri event is a positive activity in welcoming Ramadan with great joy.

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"Compared to previous years, this year's Ramadan will be more calm and full of togetherness," he expressed, after he released participants of Jakarta Tarhib Ramadan 1444 Hijiri, Sunday (3/19).

Jakarta Baznas Bazis Chairman, Akhmad Abubakar expressed the 2,500 participants were divided into 150 teams.

"We are holding a competition and 24 winners will be selected. Usually, we only choose three winners but now there are more so we can make the participants happy, we also give lots of door prizes," he explained.

According to him, Tahrib means welcoming. So, by welcoming Ramadan, it illustrates the enthusiasm, joy, and pleasure of Muslims in Jakarta in welcoming Ramadan 1444 Hijriah.

"Alhamdulillah (Thank God), the enthusiasm was extraordinary. Thank you to the participants, the Jakarta Provincial Government, and all stakeholders, as well as Muzaki (people who are obligated to give alms) who have entrusted zakat, infaq, and alms through Jakarta Baznas Bazis," he uttered.

Jakarta Baznas Bazis Chairman II for Distribution and Utilization, Saat Suharto Amjad added that it also brought in a competent jury.

"We certainly appreciate the cohesiveness and creativity of the participants," he closed.

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