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Program Mudik Gratis DKI Jakarta Tahun 2023
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Jakarta Opens Free 'Mudik' Registration

The Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) has opened registration for free mudik (exodus) trips for Jakartans ahead of Idul Fitri.

This year, we will serve them for mudik trips to 19 cities/districts in 6 provinces

To participate in the free mudik program, applicants are required to fill out a registration form offline and online.

"We want to help people who want to return to their hometowns for Idul Fitri. This year, we will serve them for mudik trips to 19 cities/districts in 6 provinces," expressed Jakarta Dishub Head, Syafrin Liputo as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release, Monday (3/20).

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Those six provinces are  Lampung, South Sumatera, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta (DIY), and East Java.

Bandar Lampung City is a destination city in Lampung Province; Palembang in South Sumatra; Kuningan and Tasikmalaya in West Java; Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Kebumen, Cilacap, Purwokerto, Solo, Sragen, Wonosobo and Wonogiri in Central Java Province; Yogyakarta in DIY Province; and Madiun, Kediri, Jombang and Malang in East Java Province.

"We will prepare 482 buses for 19,280 passengers. To reduce the number of travelers who use motorcycles for homecoming and returning flow, as well as to support the mobility of travelers in their hometowns, 23 trucks are also provided which can carry 690 motorcycles with services in 9 cities/districts, namely Kuningan, Tasikmalaya , Semarang, Kebumen, Solo, Wonogiri, Yogyakarta, Jombang, and Malang," he explained.

During mudik trip, 278 buses have been prepared for 11,120 passengers and 13 trucks which will carry 390 motorcycles. While for the returning flow, as many as 204 buses are prepared for 8,160 passengers and 10 trucks which will carry 300 motorcycles.

To participate in the free mudik program, applicants are required to fill out a registration form offline and online on March 23, 2023. For online, it can be accessable via Jakarta Dishub social media and

As for offline registration, it can be done at 6 service point locations, both at Jakarta Dishub office and Transportation Sub-agency Office in the five administration areas.

This program is open to people holding ID cards or family cards issued in Jakarta, including card or proof of the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as a Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate if applicants bring a motorcycle. When registering, they can add a maximum of 3 family members in 1 family card with 1 motorcycle. Later, participants must bring the required documents during verification at six predetermined service point locations.

"During the departure of mudik trip from Jakarta and returning flow from their respective regions, the participants will be given free takjil, snacks, and drinks to break their fast. Hopefully, this free mudik program will benefit the community," he stated.

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