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Pemprov DKI Ajak Warga Tunaikan ZIS di Momen Ramadan
photo Andri Widiyanto -

City Urges its Residents to Donate ZIS through Baznas Bazis

The Jakarta Provincial Government is committed to realizing Zakat, Infaq, and Alms (ZIS) management that is trustworthy, professional, efficient, and can help ease the standard of living of mustahik, or rightful recipients. Therefore, they urge Jakarta residents who have sufficient assets to donate ZIS and carry out social charity.

I hope Baznas Bazis can be an example

People's Welfare Assistant, Widyastuti said that in the momentum of Ramadan 1444 Hijri, the Jakarta Baznas Bazis is preparing a facility for gathering muzaki (people who are obligated to give alms) and paying zakat easily through Zakat Managers, namely Baznas Bazis and mustahik as a form of social sensitivity and concern for the fate of others.

She explained another wisdom from moments like this is to create a sense of affection and mutual help between muzaki and mustahik.

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"So, we're collectively committed to making ZIS funds and social charity a solution in order to improve the quality of the people in the education, health, welfare, and economic sectors," she explained, during the Zakat Paying event within the Jakarta Government, BUMD, and Companies at the Jakarta City Hall, Thursday (3/20).

She hoped that zakat could be a solution to poverty alleviation in Jakarta because poverty alleviation through the City Budget (APBD) is commonplace. However, it would be extraordinary if the funds were used for poverty alleviation in Jakarta

"I hope Baznas Bazis can be an example," she added.

She went on to say that the potential of ZIS in Jakarta is very large and if explored optimally, it will become a potential source of funds and even an extraordinary resource that is very useful for overcoming the complexity of the socio-economic problems of the community.

"Hence, the collected ZIS funds shouldn't be distributed consumptively, but should also be made to use ZIS productively, thus it can have a positive socio-economic impact," she furthered.

She assessed that ZIS funds should be developed towards a guaranteed plan for increasing social welfare by prioritizing programs to improve the quality of human resources, create jobs, and empower the poor's economy. Further, ZIS funds collected from the public to Jakarta Baznas Bazis will be fully sent for mustahik in Jakarta through proper procedures and mechanisms.

"Therefore, there will be no accumulation of receipt of ZIS funds by one mustahik or an uneven distribution of ZIS funds," she added.

On that occasion, she expressed her appreciation to entrepreneurs and officials who had responded to the Governor's Call Number 02/2023 and City Secretary's Instruction Number e-0010/2023. It was proven by the increasing results of ZIS collection at Jakarta Baznas Bazis which from year to year experienced an increasing trend. In 2021, Rp 187 billion was collected and Rp 216 billion was collected in 2022.

Aside that, the Jakarta Government also appreciated the ZIS Operational officers in all units, both in the Urban Village and Sub-district PTSP, Mayor, and SKPD, as well as the Baznas Bazis Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ) in schools and State and Private Universities, hospitals, and retailers in Jakarta who have assisted in becoming a zakat collection unit and helped provide convenience for muzaki and the community in carrying out their ZIS.

She also expressed her highest appreciation to BUMD managers who always donate their zakat through Baznas Bazis.

"Because ZIS and the social charity that you just transferred are a form of social concern for the fate of others and are a manifestation and form of BUMD's concern for improving people's welfare," she closed.

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