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Pemkot Jakarta Pusat Gelar Produk Dekranasda dan Bazar Ramadhan
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

Central Jakarta - Dekranasda Holds Ramadan Bazaar

I urge civil servants to buy artisan and MSME products as much as they can

To brighten up the upcoming fasting season, the Central Jakarta administration together with the Regional National Handicraft Council (Dekranasda) is holding a Ramadan Bazaar at the local mayor's office.

The bazaar was attended by Dekranasda Acting Head, Mirdiyanti Heru Budi Hartono, who bought handicrafts and culinary products at the bazaar.

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"I bought several products at this bazaar to support domestic products," he expressed, Wednesday (3/28).

Some of the products she bought included two brooches worth Rp 70,000 each, three knitted dolls Rp 350,000, and two prayer beads Rp 45,000.

"I urge civil servants to buy artisan and MSME products as much as they can. It aims at promoting their products to be better known and advance domestic production," she explained.

Ratna (25), a student with disabilities who sell tasbih in the bazaar was very happy that her products were bought by the wife of the number one man in Jakarta.

"One tasbih sells for Rp 45,000. Mrs. Mirdiyanti bought two for Rp 90,000. So happy," she admitted.

Therefore, she was increasingly enthusiastic about making tasbih handicraft products considering that her products were in great demand, so she was able to record a turnover by Rp 700,000.

"This bazaar makes me even more enthusiastic about making and producing more products," she added.

Jakarta Dekranasda Daily Vice Chairwoman, Endang Joko Agus Setyono appreciated the artisans who always produce works of art, thus they could be enjoyed by the public.

"We appreciate the Dekranasda craftsmen who participated in preserving Betawi characteristics in the form of crafts and fashion," she added.

Central Jakarta Dekranasda Chairwoman, Ucu Jamilah explained there were 42 Jakpreneurs and artisans selling fashion, crafts, culinary products, and organic vegetables in 25 tents.

"This bazaar has been held since yesterday dan will end on March 31, 2023. Payment transactions here use QRIS or cash," she stated.

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