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 PPSU Bangun Tanggul Cegah Rob di Taman Jembatan Cinta
photo Anita Karyati -

PPSU Builds Tidal Embankment in Love Bridge Park

Eight PPSU personnel are building a tidal embankment (rob) on the south coast of the Love Bridge Park, Tidung Island, South Seribu Islands.

LEight personnel are deployed to build a 100-meter-long embankment

Tidung Island Urban Village Head, Hafsah said the construction of the 100-meter-long tidal embankment aims to hold back seawater to the mainland in order not to damage the trees on the beach.

"Eight personnel are deployed to build a 100-meter-long embankment. Currently, 45 meters have been built," he said, Thursday (5/4).

Embankment on Pramuka Island is Beautified with Colorful Triangular Motifs

He explained the rob embankment, which is 40 centimeters wide and 50 centimeters high is built manually using river stone, sand, and cement. It is targeted for completion by the end of May.

"It is actually in the context of area arrangement, which is focused on the Love Bridge Park. We will continue again to 500 meters," he explained.

RW 02 Chairman, Tidung Island, Mahri admitted the Love Bridge area is now well maintained and nice thanks to the local government's structuring program. Moreover, hundreds of trees and ornamental plants had been planted around the location.

"I also invite residents to take care of and maintain cleanliness together, thus Tidung Island continues to be a favorite island to visit," he stated.

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