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photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

SDA Sub-agency Builds Channel Embankment in Pejagalan

North Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency built a channel embankment at Jalan Pluit Karang Karya, RW 16, Pejagalan, Penjaringan.

The construction is targeted to be completed in the next month

Penjaringan Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head, Pendi said the embankment construction was carried out to anticipate the overflowing waters of the channel into the surrounding roads.

"So, when it rains for a long time, the water stays in the channel and doesn't overflow," he expressed, Wednesday (5/10).

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He explained his party deployed eight personnel to build a 370-meter-long embankment with a width of 25 centimeters and a height of 60 centimeters.

"The construction is targeted to be completed in the next month," he asserted.

The construction itself has started since last Monday (5/8). Currently, his team is building an embankment structure using five-cubic-feet of split stone.

"Hopefully, it will be completed on time and without any problems. By so, residents are no longer worried about the access road being flooded when it rains," he stated.

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