Next Week, Civil Servant's Allowance Disbursed
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Arief Rahman
The Regional Performance Allowance (TKD) for January-February will be disbursed on Friday next week. It is certainly a good news for civil servants serving under Jakarta Provincial Government.
At least, civil servants can already take allowance next week
"Jakarta Governor Basuki 'Ahok' T Purnama had signed and approved the allowance last Tuesday," said City Secretary, Saefullah at City Hall, Wednesday (3/4).
After being signed, the results would be sent to Jakarta Financial Management Body (BPKD) for allowance disbursement. "At least, civil servants can already take allowance next week," he uttered.
Basuki Discusses PNS Salary with MenPAN-RBSaefullah continued, civil servants will only receive 50 percent because of the Home Ministry has yet to approve the 2015 City Budget (APBD). "Certainly, we only give half of allowances," he expressed.
As known, the performance allowance for January-February is still unpaid due to new system arrangement from manual becomes computerization. The allowance payment
uses the preceding budget that reaches 19 percent or twelfth than 2015 budget.