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Kegiatan IKD di Kantor Walikota Jakbar
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Digital Population Identity Services Keeps Being Intensified in West Jakarta

The West Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Sub-agency (Dukcapil) keeps intensifying digital electronic identification (KTP) services or Digital Population Identity (IKD) with door-to-door services. As was done in MH Thamrin Room, the West Jakarta Mayor's Office which took place on Tuesday (6/6) and Wednesday (6/7).

It turned out that switching to IKD is a very easy and fast process

West Jakarta Dukcapil Sub-agency Head, Gentina Arifin said the service that took place at the mayor's office was carried out to attract more people who switch to IKD.

"This time, the target was ASN, contract employees, and general public who were visiting the West Jakarta Mayor's office," he expressed, Wednesday (6/7).

Dukcapil Agency to Issue Digital Population Identity

In the activity that lasted two days, his party targeted 200 residents to switch to IKD. His party deployed 10 officers to serve the community who would switch to using the IKD.

Sadelih (45), one of the Pamdal officers from the West Jakarta Mayor's Office, welcomed the IKD door-to-door service that was held by the Dukcapil Sub-agency.

"It turned out that switching to IKD is a very easy and fast process. This IKD is important because my resident identity is safer," he stated.

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