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Baznas DKI, Layanan Kesehatan, Kepulauan Seribu
photo Anita Karyati -

Jakarta Baznas Bazis Holds Health Services in Seribu Islands

The Jakarta Baznas Bazis together with Perumda Pasar Jaya held free health services in two Seribu Islands sub-districts for two days, preciseltly from August 14-15, 2023.

Our target patient is 150 people

Seribu Islands Baznas Bazis Coordinator, Ridwan Malik said the free health service was held at Tanjong Elang RPTRA, Pramuka Island, North Seribu Islands and on yard of the South Seribu Islands Sub-district Office.

It aims to provide convenience for residents who are sick or need health services.

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"Our target patient is 150 people. We send three healthworkers and 10 members of Baznas Bazis on each island," he said, Tuesday (8/15).

Services provided include checking blood pressure, blood sugar, nutritional consultation, and administering vitamins. Besides that, th cheap bazaar is also held from Perumda Pasar Jaya which provides various basic commodities.

"There is also compensation to 398 orphans and 209 poor people 209. Each received Rp 500,000," he explained.

South Seribu Islands Sub-district Head, Ismail welcomed the free medical services being rolled out in his area. It was deemed very helpful for people who were in need of health services.

"Hopefully, it can be beneficial for locals," he hoped.

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