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Dinas Kominfotik Ikut Meriahkan Peringatan HUT ke-78 Kemerdekaan RI
photo Andri Widiyanto -

Diskominfotik Participates in Celebrating Independence Day's 78th Anniversary

The Jakarta Communications, Informatics, and Statistics Agency (Diskominfotik), held Cerdas Tangkas dan Karaoke quiz show (Smart, Agile, and Karaoke), which aims to enliven the Indonesia Independence Day's 78th Anniversary.

We want this to become a regular agenda

The quiz show which took place on the 2nd floor of Block F, Jakarta City Hall Complex on Friday (8/18) was attended by six teams consisting of ASN and Public Communication and Public Information Experts (KPIP).

There were five types of Cerdas Cermat quiz consisting of guessing song lyrics, guessing motion, general knowledge, and spelling words. The evaluation of the winner of this competition is based on the accumulated value of each type of competition.

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As for the Karaoke Competition, representatives from the six teams sang free songs to be performed as soloists, duets or groups.

Beritajakarta representing the PIP Section won the Cerdas Tangkas quiz with 170 points. Meanwhile, the Karaoke Competition was won by a team of representatives from the Public Communication Resources Section.

Jakarta Diskominfotik's Public Communication Division Head, Koharudin said this competition was held to strengthen ties of friendship and togetherness between sections.

"Besides increasing the spirit of nationalism, we also want to strengthen togethernessz thus it also has a positive impact on work," he added.

Therefore, he hoped that the Diskominfotik would become tighter, more compact, and solid.

"Exciting, lively, and really cool to see friends who are also full of seriousness to be the best in the competition. We want this to become a regular agenda," he closed.

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