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Yuk Kunjungi Pameran Wastra di Museum Tekstil
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Let's Visit Wastra Exhibition at Textile Museum

The Textile Museum is holding an exhibition entitled "Puspa Ragam Matra Nir Tenun".

It is held as one of the museum's functions

This exhibition has been held since last week, opening every Tuesday to Sunday from 9 AM to 3 PM until September 30.

Jakarta Culture Agency Head, Iwan Henry Wardhana expressed his party is working in synergy with Wastra Indonesia to hold an exhibition entitled "Puspa Ragam Matra Nir Tenun" at the Textile Museum which will run until the end of September 2023.

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"It is held as one of the museum's functions, namely informing the collection to the wider public," he expressed, Wednesday (9/6).

He explained abundant natural resources, local wisdom, and cultural acculturation had resulted in Indonesia being blessed with a very rich literary tradition.

"Therefore, hopefully it can provide information and education to the public about the richness and diversity of Indonesian handicrafts other than batik and weaving, both in terms of manufacturing techniques and function in the lives of the people who use them," he explained.

He continued there were various collections using various techniques for making literature and applying various decorations that can be found in various regions in Indonesia.

"The media also varies from wood bark, cotton, silk, plant fibers, metal threads (gold and silver), beads, shells, seeds, and so on," he added.

There were various techniques for making literature and the application of various decorations that can be found in various regions in Indonesia, each of which has its own characteristics.

"Around 100 collections will be exhibited," he added.

There were also several events including seminars, workshops, and talk shows for literature lovers.

"It was funded by the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for Non-Physical Operational Assistance (BOP) for Museums and Cultural Parks, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," he said.

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