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Perangkat Kelurahan TDS Disosialisasikan Aplikasi JAKI dan Beritajakarta
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JAKI and Beritajakarta Socialized to TDS Urban Village Residents and Officials

Dozens of RT, RW, LMK administrators and cadres in Tanjung Duren Selatan Urban Village (TDS), Grogol Petamburan Sub-district, West Jakarta, took part in the socialization of the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application features and the Jakarta Provincial Government's official news portal, Beritajakarta.

We appreciate the holding of outreach to educate residents in Tanjung Duren Selatan

The socialization which took place in the urban village office hall is a form of joint synergy between TDS Sub-district with Jakarta Smart City (JSC) and Beritajakarta.

TDS Urban Village Head, Indri Prawiki appreciated the holding of feature socialization activities in the JAKI application and the Jakarta Provincial Government's official news website, Beritajakarta.

Kebon Kacang Residents Participate in Socialization of JAKI and Beritajakarta

"RT, RW, LMK, FKDM administrators and cadres can understand the importance of using the JAKI application and providing accurate information about the Jakarta Government through the Beritajakarta website. We appreciate the holding of outreach to educate residents in Tanjung Duren Selatan Sub-district," he expressed, Friday (10/13).

He explained as many as 40 RT, RW, LMK, FKDM administrators and cadres were very enthusiastic about taking part in this socialization activity.

"Hopefully, similar activities won't only be held today, but there will be other activities that can be held in Tanjung Duren Selatan Sub-district," he explained.

JSC Knowledge Product Customer, Ninda Aulia explained that the socialization of feature applications in the JAKI application and the priority programs of the Acting Governor together with Beritajakarta was aimed at residents and urban village officials including RT, RW, FKDM, LMK administrators and cadres throughout the TDS urban village.

"Hopefully those who take part in this socialization will connect residents to the use of the Jakarta Government's application," he hoped.

He added that residents' complaints reported via the JAKI application so far have varied, including regarding rubbish, potholes and so on.

"We urge residents to report if there are problems using JAKI application," he stated.

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