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Pj Gubernur Heru Apresiasi TPS 3R Mampu Mengolah 50 Ton Sampah Per Hari
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Heru Appreciates TPS 3R's Capability of Processing 50 Tons of Waste Per Day

The city administration continues to optimize waste processing. Reducing the waste load at the Bantargebang Landfill with appropriate technology was chosen to create a more balanced and sustainable environment in Jakarta.

It is one of the administration's superior programs

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, appreciated the ranks of the Jakarta Environmental Agency who continue to reduce waste at the source, by building  building a Temporary Waste Processing Site for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (TPS 3R) on Jalan Siaga, Pejaten Barat Urban Village, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. It was inaugurated on Friday (2/16).

According to him, waste processing at source is one of the City administration's priority programs through the Jakarta Environmental Agency.

3R Waste Processing Site will Soon Be Built in Rawa Terate

"It is one of the administration's superior programs which will be duplicated in every sub-district, thus waste in Jakarta can be processed in the city. This TPS 3R can process 50 tons of waste per day," he expressed as qouted by the City administration's press release.

Further, the final results of waste processing were of interest to off takers who had been collaborating with the city administration. After passing through the drying process, the processed waste would then be sent to the purchasing company.

Hopefully, the efforts conducted by the Jakarta Environmental Agency to reduce waste could be beneficial for the community. So, it could have a positive impact on reducing waste transportation and could extend the service period of the Bantar Gebang Landfill.

"To create a global scale city, waste management in Jakarta must be oriented towards reduce, reuse, and recycle/3R," he concluded.

Jakarta Environment Agency Head, Asep Kuswanto uttered the TPS 3R construction is an innovation in waste management in Jakarta.

"In the past, waste only transited at the Temporary Waste Disposal Site and ended up at the Bantar Gebang Landfill, now it can be processed and utilized at the source with this TPS 3R," he explained.

He explained it is equipped with waste management with a processing capacity of up to 50 tons of waste/day. Then, it is able to produce Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) or Solid Jumputan Fuel (BBJP) which will be supplied to PLN and the cement industry as an off taker.

"It is capable of producing 20 tons of RDF per day. This infrastructure is all the work of the nation's children, and can support the Environment Agency's strategic steps in environmental management, especially in the waste problem," he stated.

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