S. Jakarta KPU Starts Sub-district's Ballot Recapitulation
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
The South Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) starts the 2024 election ballot recapitulation for sub-district level.
It is targeted to complete lately on March 3
Commission Head, Muhammad Taqiyuddin, said after the polling station recapitulation is done, all logistics were sent to sub-district.
South Jakarta Satpol PP Secure Ballot after Election Day"All logistics have been returned to sub-district. Next we'll start the ballot recapitulation for sub-district level," he said, Friday (2/16).
According to him, Sub-district Voting Committee (PPK) will conduct recapitulation before the ballot, ballot box, and ballot room to be returned to logistic storage in South Jakarta KPU.
"It is targeted to complete lately on March 3," he added.
Meanwhile, Pesanggrahan Sub-district PPK Head, Naupal Haryawan, thanked to all side for completing the election stages in 733 polling stations of Pesanggrahan Sub-district.
"Thanks for all. The election run smoothly," he stated.
Moreover, Pesanggrahan Sub-district Head, Agus Ramdani, also appreciated and thanked all side for giving their time, thought and energy for the election.
"We also cooperated with related units to succeed
the election this year," he said.