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Rekayasa Lalin Diberlakukan di Jalan Yos Sudarso
photo Istimewa -

Traffic Diversion at Jalan Yos Sudarso to Ease Congestion

The North Jakarta Transportation Sub-agency is detouring traffic at Jalan Yos Sudarso, precisely in front of Artha Gading Mall, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, which aims to parse traffic jams, especially in the morning and afternoon.

It aims to reduce the volume of vehicles from two directions

North Jakarta Transportation Sub-agency Head, Hendrico Tampubolon stated the traffic diversion was applied to separate vehicle movements from Jalan Mitra Sunter Boulevard (west) and from the flyover (south) which will turn back to the south.

"It aims to reduce the volume of vehicles from two directions which often results in traffic jams in front of Artha Gading Mall," he expressed, Friday (5/24).

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Thus, vehicles from Jalan Mitra Sunter Boulevard (west) heading south can turn around at the Artha Gading roundabout.

"Then vehicles from the flyover that are going to turn south can turn around at the front of the Toyota Showroom," he explained.

Vehicles from Jalan Mitra Sunter Boulevard (west) that will turn around to the south at the Artha Gading roundabout can use the lane under the flyover to enter the mixed traffic area.

"Drivers from the flyover (south) who will turn around at the south can't turn around at the Artha Gading roundabout, but turn around at the next round (Toyota roundabout)," he explained.

According to him, the Transjakarta Movable Concrete Barrier (MCB) had been moved 3.5 meters to the west on Jalan Yos Sudarso (west side) starting from the West Sunter Boulevard stop north to the Artha Gading roundabout.

"We have regulated traffic flows at the eastern end of Jalan Danau Sunter Utara to separate the mobility of vehicles turning from the west with vehicles heading from south to north on Jalan Yos Sudarso," he added.

He hoped that it could minimize traffic jams in such areas. "It will be evaluated in the next month," he added.

Road and Bridge Section Head, Budi Cahyo Wardoyo uttered that for the MCB movement, his side had deployed around 15 personnel and two trucks type Routine Maintenance Unit (UPR) to the location.

"We hope that road users can adjust to the diversions, obey the traffic signs and instructions from officers and prioritize road safety," he hoped.

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