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Perbaikan Saluran Air di Jalan Mangga Rampung
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

Water Channel Plaster Repair on Jalan Mangga Completed

The repair of water channel plaster on Jalan Mangga, RT 06/04, Gandaria Selatan Urban Village, Cilandak Sub-district, South Jakarta is now completed.

to prevent inundation

Cilandak Sub-district Water Resource Implementer Unit Head, Yansori, said the repair is run to respond residents' request at Musrenbang 2024.

Nine Cubic Meters of Garbage Removed from Channel in Karet Tengsin

"We repair the channel plaster and dredge the mud inside the channel," he said, Monday (5/27).

Yansori added the repair of 30 meter x 60 meter x 40 cm channel has been running since May 15, 2024 and has been completed yesterday by involving six Blue personnel.

"Personnel transported 10-15 sacks of mud," he added.

He hoped the channel will function normally and flow the water smoothly during heavy rain.

"We appeal residents not to throw waste inside the channel," he asked.

Meanwhile, one of local residents, Dimas (46), thanked the repairing and dredging run by the personnel.

"I appreciate much the activity. I hope the channel will be able to prevent inundation," he hoped.

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